Sunday, December 26, 2010

KCR warns to begin 'Do or Die' fast for 'T' state

The Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) president, Mr K Chandrasekhara Rao,has warned the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre not to test the patience of the people of the region over formation of separate Telangana State.He also declared that the movement for separate State would not stop this time even if he lost his life for the cause and deployment of any number of Central forces in the State would be of no consequence.

Releasing the Telangana Group-I Officer’s Association Dairy-2011 at the TNGOs Bhavan on Saturday, Mr Rao appealed to the Congress MLAs and MPs of the Telangana region to resign from their posts to mount pressure on the Union government if the Justice B.N. Srikrishna Committee report was not favourable to bifurcation of the State.He also said that they would be re-elected with massive majority if they resigned from their posts for the cause of separate Telangana.

Mr Chandrasekhar Rao declared that he would launch another indefinite hunger strike if necessary for achieving Telangana state. He also declared that the Central forces would not stop the Telangana agitation this time. “I want Telangana State only and the people of Telangana would not relent if separate State was carved out right now”, he said and demanded that the Central government introduce a Telangana Bill in Parliament Budget session next year.

Stating that Telangana agitation was continuing since the last 41 years, Mr KCR said that Telangana leaders were riding tigers now and not horses. He appealed to all the political parties in the region to come forward to fight for separate State unitedly.