Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NBA orders all media houses

With just three days left for the submission of report by the Justice B N Srikrishna Committee, the Centre is trying to build pressure on the media indirectly, not to sensationalize the contents of the report.

Already, reporters from national and international media have started descending on Hyderabad anticipating that there might be large scale violence in the post-December 31 scenario. Perhaps, they might have got the hints that there would be nothing favorable for Telangana in the report.

For the first time, the National Broadcasters Association (NBA) has come out with an order to all the media houses not to give any hype to the incidents after December 31 expecting that there might be trouble in the state. Stating that the dissemination of the SKC report by the electronic media of this sensitive matter has to be done with extra care, the order says all the related news should conform strictly to sub-serving the public interest of maintaining parochial and communal harmony.

Some of the dos and don’ts of the order:

1. All news relating to the Srikrishna Committee Report should strictly adhere to the contents of the Report, uninfluenced by any opinion or interpretation.

2. No broadcast(s) should be made of any speculation of the Report before it is pronounced or the Report is made fully available by the Government; and of its likely repercussion thereafter which may be sensational, inflammatory or provocative.

3. No footage of violence, agitation, self-immolation etc is to be shown in any news item relating to the Report.

4. No visuals need be shown depicting celebration or protest of the Report.

5. Repetition of sensitive visuals should be avoided.

6. Archival footage should clearly be labeled “file” and also state date and time of initial broadcast.

7. In view of the sensitivity of news reporting on this issue extra care should be taken to ensure accuracy by vetting &clearance at the highest editorial level.

8. For clarity and adherence it is emphasized that programmes/telecast should not speculate the likely repercussion and should not have contentious debate of its content.

9. This occasion is a challenge, as well as an opportunity to the Member channels to prove the efficacy of the self-regulatory mechanism.  It is hoped that the opportunity would not be lost.

10. All Broadcasters are advised to preserve all the programmes telecast in relation to the Srikrishna Report, including scripts for examination, if necessary.