Sunday, December 26, 2010

Onion price drives consumers to tears..

Rising onion prices has brought down tears in most of the Indian eyes. Now before buying Onions from the market (sabzi-mandi) people are thinking twice, in fact some of the small time restaurants are using "cabbage" as a substitute to Onion.

Onion being one of the most used commodity/vegetable, its something which is found in every house and is being bought by the majority as onion is such a vegetable which is used in cooking most of the dishes and salads Nationally.

According to Agriculture Officials sources here, onions were selling at Rs 25 per kg in Andhra Pradesh in Rhytu Bazars yesterday and in the retail market, the price has shot up to Rs 59 per kg.

The recent rains and cyclones has damaged the cultivation resulting in the prices of vegetable spiralling up.

The chief suppliers of onions to the city are Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

However, due to rains, the supply to the City from Maharashtra and Hubli in Karnataka has come down to a great extent.

The supply to the Rhytu Bazars has been reduced to 50 quintals. The marketing department has given orders to sell only five kgs per head in the Rhytu Bazars.

Now Pakistan is exporting onion to India at whopping Rs 40/kg. Sources tells that at least 100 Metric Tons have been imported from Pakistan till now and more import is likely in the coming day given the crisis if continues.

We certainly hope that the Onion Prices in India goes down and Black Market traders are punished and brought to books accordingly.

Happy Eating!