Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Special Article: Who Is India’s Backbone? SWE or Farmer ?

The great Mahatma Gandhi once said that the economic success of a country depends purely on the success of its agriculture as that is the backbone for development. But then, times have changed and while agriculture is still the key ingredient, yet another stream has emerged in India and stood on par with agriculture, that is Information Technology.

Now, the last few years has seen a spate of farmer suicides and though each time, the government comes up with a package, their lives are not changing. On the other hand, though so many suicides are happening, the lives of the regular people are not changing. Well, the reason for that is the focus on Green Revolution and other initiatives. Today, it is very strongly estimated that food production is happening in surplus and there will be no shortage of food. Though there are no onions or potatoes, people can survive by purchasing other vegetables.

Many temples even today are giving free food and the numbers doesn’t matter which goes to show how self sufficient our nation is in terms of food. But what happens if software industry goes down? The development goes down, investments don’t come to the country, employment problems are on the rise, economy takes a big hit, this shows compound impact on other sectors like real estate, consumer purchase etc.So, on an overall perspective, the backbone for any country is money and that is generated when the IT industry is running strong more than the agriculture. 

Today, India has become a software land and IT has become the backbone for the country’s growth over the last two decades or so. Under that situation, politicians like Chandrababu Naidu doing a fast for the farmers is not a feasible option as no one knows if the money will rightfully reach the food maker, most of the times it doesn’t. On the other hand, the impact and interest factor for the issue is relatively less.

While the thought is noble, perhaps it is time leaders like KCR, CBN realize that moving with the world is important if they are to prosper.

Rajesh, Hyderabad