Wednesday, January 26, 2011

India turns 62 today

While India is celebrating its 62nd Republic Day with great pomp, show and grace and is making full use of the opportunity to showcase its achievements and the pride of states; do we know everything that needs to be known as a proud Indian?

How many among us, even the so-called patriotic among us fully understand the meaning of Republic Day? What it stands for and how different it is from Independence Day?

As we all know India had to fight hard to attain independence and many lives were lost in the struggle for Independence. Under the able leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Azad and many others India fought a fair battle uplifting the principles of Ahimsa.

South India News has taken the duty upon itself to enlighten readers on the importance of Republic Day and what it means for the large number of Indians spread across the globe.

The Republic Day was first celebrated when the Constitution of India came into existence and India formulated an establishment to rule themselves. This constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, when India became a Republic. Therefore India celebrates this anniversary on January 26 as India's Republic Day. The day is also celebrated to honour the 'Declaration of Independence of 1930' from the British Rule.

While there exists uncertainties in the minds of many on the difference between Independence Day and Republic Day, the most apparent difference being that while Independence Day dwells upon the past and remembers the struggles and achievements of the yore; Republic Day is an occasion for renewing of the pledge and the golden words in the Constitution is highlighted.

Another more visible difference being that while Independence Day is mostly rhetoric-based, Republic Day is an out-and-out visual spectacle with no speeches.

Hope we have been able to give you a better idea on the importance of the Republic Day and an insight into the transition of India from a British Dominion to a republic on January 26, 1950.

Happy Republic Day to one and all and let us all be proud to be an Indian.