Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dog God comes as saviour!

Ramnagaram: Dog is man's best friend, but South India's Karnataka villagers are worshiping the canine in a temple as their protector.

At A V Halli village in Ramnagaram district, situated 57 km from Bangalore, people believe that the dog deity ‘Sri Naayidole Veerappa’, saves them from all sorts of troubles.

The temple of the ‘Sri Naayidole Veerappa’ (Dog God) is located next to the temple of the village deity called ‘Sri Veeramasti Kempamma’.

The dog God is considered to be the most trusted lieutenant of the goddess ‘Veeramasti Kempamma’ and is considered to be extremely powerful and the villagers feel that he forsees the problems and even alert the villagers about the dangers on instructions.

To prove their devotion towards their saviour, many families in the village have named their first child after the Dog God.

In case the baby is male then he is called ‘Veerappa’ or ‘Veeranna’, and if the child is female then she is named ‘Veeramma’.

‘‘People come here and make wishes. They return to pay respects after their wishes are fulfilled,’’ said Magesh, a devotee.

The villagers also conduct an annual fair devoted to the Dog God.